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I am Senior Lecturer (Assoc. Prof.) in Space Engineering and UKRI FL Fellow since 2022 in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering of the University of Liverpool. I have joined the department in 2019 as Lecturer (Asst. Prof.).

I am currently PI of the UKRI-funded REMORA (REndezvous Mission for Orbital Reconstruction of Asteroids: A fleet of Self-driven CubeSats for Tracking and Characterising Asteroids) Project. I am science team member as astrodynamicist Co-I for three asteroid missions: ESA's Hera mission, NASA's DART mission and JAXA's Hayabusa 2 mission. I was the PI of the "Hayabusa 2" superior solar conjunction mission phase in late 2018. I worked at the JAXA’s Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) from 2016 until 2019 after completing a one year JSPS Postdoc Research Fellowship at the same institution. I received my Ph.D. in October 2016 from the Astronautical Research Group of the University of Southampton, UK after I have graduated for both her MSc and BEng degrees in Space and Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, Italy.


My research interests lie in Astrodynamics, Guidance, Navigation & Control (GNC) algorithms for proximity operations around small celestial bodies, ejecta particles dynamics, planetary science, space robotics, solar sail technology and machine learning.


"The Hayabusa 2 mission has inspired and influenced my research and I am looking forward to explore the next little world!"



Spacecraft Trajectory Design

"Fuel-free" maneuvers by using the Sun Radiation pressure, Orbit Determination and Guidance and Control Tecniques 

2016 - 2012

University of Southampton, UK

PhD in Astronautical Engineering

Trajectory Prediction of Dust Particles

Fate of asteroid ejecta after impact

Asteroid Gravity Field Modelling

Mascon, Polyhedron and Harmonics Model.

Restricted Three-Body Problem

Study of the Invariant Manifolds and Libration points orbits.  

2009 - 2011

Politecnico di Milano, IT

MEng in Space Engineering

2005 - 2009

Politecnico di Milano, IT

BEng Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace Division

Department of Mechanical, and Aerospace 

University of Liverpool

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